The library has a selection of hundreds of thousands of e-books from various academic fields. A majority of the e-books can be accessed by multiple concurrent users. Other restrictions (such as printing, saving and copying) vary among different e-book providers.
Instructions by service provides books in Finnish only. See instructions in Finnish.
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
Unlimited number.
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
You need the free Cambridge Spiral e-reader to read the books. When using a computer, it opens up automatically in your browser (click “Read online”, then “Continue with read-only access”). For mobile devices, the e-reader has to be installed from an application store.
3. Can I print and copy the material?
Yes, if you create a personal user account to the Cambridge Higher Education platform.
4. Can I save the books?
Only to the e-reader and if you are logged in to Cambridge Higher Education platform.
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline?
Yes, if you create a personal user account to the Cambridge Higher Education platform. Click “Read online”, then “Log in or register”.
6. Can I reserve material?
N/A (unlimited number of concurrent users).
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or mobile phone?
Yes, if you create a personal user account to the Cambridge Higher Education platform and install the Cambridge Spiral e-reader to your device.
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
The books allow an unlimited number of concurrent users. Therefore, it is recommended to download the book separately on each device.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
Cambridge Spiral. The e-reader opens up automatically in your browser.
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Cambridge Spiral (from App Store)
Android devices
Cambridge Spiral (from Google Play)
10. How do I install the reader software to my computer?
There is no need to install the reader.
11. How do I download a book into the programme?
There is no need to take any special steps.
12. How has accessibility been taken into account?
Instructions on publisher's website
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
1, 3, or unlimited number.
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
3. Can I print and copy the material?
Yes. Number of permitted prints varies by book. One page can be copied at a time; number of permitted copies varies by book.
4. Can I save the books?
Yes, i.e. on a USB stick, in acsm file format. Reader software is required to open these files (see question 9). Saving these files requires you to create your own Ebook Central user account.
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline?
Yes, except for books that only allow 1 concurrent user and all books of certain publishers. Books are downloaded into a reader programme for the loan period. Downloading requires you to create your own Ebook Central user account. The loan period is 14 days for books that allow unlimited concurrent users and 7 for books that allow 3. Up to 10 books at a time per patron. Single chapters can be downloaded as pdf files permanently without signing in with Ebook Central credentials.
6. Can I reserve material?
Yes, if you are logged in to your Ebook Central user account and a wait list e-mail address is defined in your profile. You will be notified by e-mail when the book is available. The book is reserved for 3 hours.
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or e-reader?
Yes. Tablets require free reader software (see question 9). Downloading requires you to create your own Ebook Central user account.
If you’ll have problems with downloading, try another web browser (e.g, Safari / Chrome).
Your tablet must be connected to the Internet when you are accessing a book for the first time.
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
Yes. You have to download the book into a reader programme, create an Adobe ID account, and authorize your device with the account. If you read books only on one device, you can authorize it anonymously. In that case creating an Adobe ID account is not necessary.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
Adobe Digital Editions. The software can be found as a virtual application on the university network.
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Adobe Digital Editions (App Store)
Android devices
Adobe Digital Editions or PocketBook reader (Google Play)
10. How do I install the reader software?
Installation (Windows) / Installation (Mac)
11. How do I download a book into the programme?
Download guide - Ebook Central
12. How has accessibility been taken into account?
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
1, 3, or unlimited number.
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
Yes. If you can only see the first page of the book open, it may be necessary to change settings in Adobe Reader.
3. Can I print and copy the material?
Yes. Number of permitted prints varies by book. One page can be copied at a time.
4. Can I save the books?
Yes, most of them i.e. on a USB stick, in acsm file format. A reader programme is required to open these files (see question 9). Saving these files requires you to create your own EBSCOHost user account.
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline?
Yes, most of them. Books are downloaded into a reader programme for the loan period (see question 9). Downloading requires you to create your own EBSCOhost user account. The loan period is 1 to 7 days.
6. Can I reserve material?
Yes, if you are logged in to your EBSCOhost user account. You will be notified by e-mail when the book is available. The book is reserved for 12 hours. Note, that time in Finland is 7 hours ahead the time mentioned in the email.
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or e-reader?
Yes, most of them. Tablets require free reader software (see question 9). Downloading requires you to create your own EBSCOhost user account.
If you’ll have problems with downloading, try another web browser (e.g, Safari / Chrome).
Your tablet must be connected to the Internet when you are accessing a book for the first time.
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
Yes, most of them. You have to download the book into a reader programme, create an Adobe ID account, and authorize your device with the account. If you read books only on one device, you can authorize it anonymously. In that case creating an Adobe ID account is not necessary.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
Adobe Digital Editions. The software can be found as a virtual application on the university network.
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Adobe Digital Editions (App Store)
Android devices
Adobe Digital Editions or PocketBook reader (Google Play)
10. How do I install the reader software?
Installation (Windows) / Installation (Mac)
11. How do I download a book into the programme?
12. How has accessibility been taken into account?
In order to borrow Ellibs e-books, you must have University of Eastern Finland's Haka credentials, i.e. UEF user ID and password. See instructions on the library's blog.
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
Some books you can, some not (see question 9).
3. Can I print and copy the material?
Yes, on some books. E-book-provider-specific printing and copying restrictions are mentioned in book descriptions.
4. Can I save the books?
Yes, i.e. on a USB stick, in lcd file format. Reader software is required to open these files (see question 9).
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline?
Yes. Books are downloaded into a reader programme for the loan period. The loan period is 59 or 14 days, depending on the license type, or 10 minutes.
6. Can I reserve material?
Yes; books that can be read on a web browser. When the book is ready for reading after the previous customer, you’ll get an email notice.
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or e-reader?
Yes. Tablets require free reader software (see question 9).
Your tablet must be connected to the Internet when you are accessing a book for the first time.
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
Yes. Some books you have to download into a reader programme (Thorium Reader). You will need a personal password to read books in Thorium Reader. You can find the password in My Bookshelf tab when logged in to Ellibs.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Ellibs App (AppStore). In the application, select "Itä-Suomen yliopiston kirjasto" (University of Eastern Finland Library). After that log in with your Haka credentials and choose "Itä-Suomen yliopisto" (University of Eastern Finland) as your home institution.
Android devices
Ellibs App (Google Play). In the application, select "Itä-Suomen yliopiston kirjasto" (University of Eastern Finland Library). After that log in with your Haka credentials and choose "Itä-Suomen yliopisto" (University of Eastern Finland) as your home institution.
10. How do I install Thorium Reader?
11. How do I download a book into Thorium Reader?
12. What if a book does not open in Thorium Reader?
If a book does not open in the reader software, search for a lcd file from the folder of recently downloaded files on your device. Right-click on it, then click on Open with and choose Thorium Reader as the software where the file is to be opened. It is also possible to open the reader software first and then to drag and drop the file there from the folder.
Elsevier's ClinicalKey service always requires a personal account, or existing Elsevier account, also with remote access. Student: create a personal account using your email address ''.
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
Unlimited number.
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
If your desktop or laptop computer requires separate software for pdf files (see question 9): No.
If you are using a tablet: Yes.
3. Can I print and copy the material?
Yes. Parts of books can be printed or copied.
4. Can I save the books?
Yes, individual chapters i.e. on a USB stick, in pdf file format. Reader software is required to open these files (see question 9).
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline??
Yes. Individual chapters can be permanently downloaded into a reader programme.
6. Can I reserve material?
N/A (unlimited number of concurrent users).
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or e-reader?
Yes. Books can be accessed without a separate reader programme. However, using free reader software enables you to use bookmarks (see question 9).
Books can be downloaded as individual chapters on all e-book readers.
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
The books allow an unlimited number of concurrent users. Therefore, it is recommended to download the book separately on each device.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
Adobe Reader. The program has been installed on the workstations at the university.
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Any pdf reader.
Android devices
Any pdf reader.
10. How do I install the reader software?
Normal installation process similar to most downloaded programmes.
11. How do I download a book into the programme?
Individual chapters are accessed automatically in the Adobe Reader programme using the pdf links.
12. Other notes
Library customers can order a printed paperback ’MyCopy’ of Springer e-books used by the University of Eastern Finland for € 24.99.
After clicking the book link in UEF Primo, select "Continue without an Account" on the VitalSource Explore page if you only want to read books. After this, accept the terms of use of the service.
1. How many concurrent users can access a book?
The amount varies per book from one to unlimited.
2. Can I read the books using just my web browser?
Yes. VitalSource Bookshelf application opens automatically in your browser.
3. Can I print and copy the material?
To a limited extent for personal use.
4. Can I save the books?
5. Can I borrow the books and then read them offline?
Yes. It requires you to create your own user account for the service. The loan period is 1 day.
6. Can I reserve material?
7. Can I use the books with my tablet or e-reader?
Yes, with your tablet (see question 9).
8. Can I read the book I have borrowed on different devices?
Yes. It requires you to create your own user account for the service. You have to borrow the book when logged in to the account.
9. Which reader software do I use on each device?
Desktop or laptop computer
VitalSource Bookshelf, opens in your browser.
iOS devices: iPad, iPhone
Android devices
10. How do I install the reader software?
Not necessary when using a browser.
11. How do I download a book into the programme?
Not necessary when using a browser.
12. How has accessibility been taken into account?
Where can you find these e-books?
All e-books acquired for the library's collections can be found in the UEF Primo database. Searches in UEF Primo automatically include e-books, and you can narrow your search to include only electronic material. Additionally, you can find complete e-book provider services (e.g. Ebook Central, Ebsco, Oppiportti) in UEF Primo.
According to license agreements, licensed electronic materials are available for all library users within the campus libraries. In addition, students and staff of the University of Eastern Finland and the Kuopio University Hospital staff can access the materials from other campus facilities and via remote access from outside the campus.
Some e-books are available only for the holders of the University of Eastern Finland's Haka credentials, i.e. UEF user ID and password.
Reading e-books
You can read a majority of the e-books with a Web browser without separate reader software. You can also download most books for offline use with a reader programme. To download a reader programme, you often need to register a user account into the e-book service (e.g. Ellibs, Ebsco, Ebook Central). The main entry page of an e-book indicates if you can read it by using a Web browser and/or reader software. Downloaded e-books do not remain permanently in your possession, for they have loan periods.
A downloaded e-book is automatically removed from your device on the due date.
Reader software
The most common reader programme for desktop or laptop computers, as well as mobile devices, is the downloadable, free-of-charge Adobe Digital Editions. The recommended reader programmes for Ellibs books are Thorium Reader and Ellibs mobile app.
On the university's computer workstations, Adobe Digital Editions starts automatically from the university network, when you begin downloading the book. However, it is not recommended to download e-books into a reader programme on the workstations in the library or IT classrooms due to the frequently changing users.
Adobe Digital Editions needs to be authorised when it is downloaded and installed on a device.
Authorisation in Adobe Digital Editions:
a) anonymous authorisation (check the box: authorize anonymously) or
b) Adobe ID authorisation (requires the user to create an Adobe username). This is required if you want to read the same book on multiple different devices and to transfer the book from device to another using an external storage device. Transferring is not recommended!
Any highlights and notes you may have made in the book in Adobe Digital Editions will be lost at the end of the loan period. However, you can return them from the ...\My Digital Editions\Annotations folder of you computer; see a thread in the Adobe Support Community.
When e-reading does not work properly
Check first if the news feeds on the library's home page or UEF Primo have any more information and guidance for overcoming the difficulties you face.
- Clear your browser cache, or try another Web browser.
- Check your network status and, if possible, restart the connection and potential devices (modem, router etc.).
- Restart your device.
- Are you graduate student, open university student or staff? Remote access rights are not given to students studying only Aducate's chargeable courses, for instance.
- Did you make sure that you have searched the materials from UEF Primo? Please note that other organisations have search engines of their own.
- Can you access other e-materials, such as other e-books of the same service provider, e-books of other services or e-journals?
- If you cannot, contact UEF Digital Services Your username may probably have some technical difficulties. A typical error message in this case is: "ERROR: isMemberOf group not allowed to access ezproxy"
- If you can, skip to Resources not functioning?
- If an e-book that could earlier be found in UEF Primo is not there anymore, please fill in a UEF Primo feedback form to notify us (instructions further below).
- If a UEF Primo book link is not functioning, please notify us by filling in a UEF Primo feedback form.
- Check if a solution for the problem could be found in the service provider's own Help section or the e-book instructions on library's home page.
- If an e-book does not open in a browser when it should be possible, please notify us by filling in a UEF Primo feedback form. In such a situation, you cannot access a book that allows one concurrent reader, even if nobody is reading it.
- If you cannot download an e-book into a reader programme, check the reader's instructions and the following issues:
- Do you have the right reader software? For example, Adobe Reader is not valid, if Adobe Digital Editions is required.
- Have you downloaded and installed the reader programme on your device?
- Have you authorised the device?
- Have you created your own user account to the e-book service and logged in?
- Is it even possible to download the book into a reader programme?
- Did the problem occur at the campus or outside the campus?
- If the problem occurred at the campus, did you use fixed or wireless connection? If wireless connection, university's or some other network?
- What type of an error message is encountered (word for word, if possible) and at what stage of the process?
- Which book, journal or article does the problem refer to? If possible, please attach a direct link to the material.
- Which Internet browser were you using when the problem occurred?