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Data Driven Lunch Seminar series: Computational approaches for single-cell research

  • Webinaari
  • Terveys ja hyvinvointi
  • Teknologia ja innovaatiot
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UEF Data-driven Research Seminars invite internationally merited speakers to spur discussion and offer food for thought in data-driven research. The talks present research topics that cross disciplinary boundaries.

Data Driven Lunch Seminar series continues on 25 March: Computational approaches for single-cell research by Professor Laura Elo, University of Turku.

Laura Elo is Professor of Computational Medicine and Head of Medical Bioinformatics Centre at University of Turku, Finland. She has PhD in applied mathematics and long experience in molecular systems immunology and application of machine learning in medicine. Her research group develops computational methods to interpret molecular and clinical data in several research projects. Professor Elo's research is internationally recognized, including the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talent Award and ERC grant.


Chair: Merja Heinäniemi

For further information, please contact Pauli Miettinen.