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Ihmisiä käsityöluokassa.

Creativity and problem-solving skills are key for the future – students of craft science learn these through practice

International visitors were introduced to pedagogy that considers future challenges and diverse perspectives.

  • Text Nina Venhe | Photos Niko Jouhkimainen
Lankojen värjäystä.
Marta Irigoyen (on the left) and Solange De Lema from Uruguay are following Sirpa Kokko’s yarn dyeing instructions.
The basics of electricity and electronics were covered during the construction of the BrushBots, and the group also got to practice their creativity.
Lankojen värjäystä.
Students Jaakko Mansikka-aho (on the left) and Simon van Eeden had the opportunity to exchange thoughts about the educational systems of their home countries while dyeing yarns. University Lecturer in Craft Science Niina Väänänen is providing guidance.
Ihmiset juttelee lankojen värjäystä tehdessään.
Many of the international visitors represented natural sciences, including computer science teacher Patricia Añón (on the left) and biology teacher Verónica Perrone.