The Centre for Continuous Learning at the University of Eastern Finland offers high-quality education in the form of open university studies, continuing professional education and coaching and expert services.
Contact us and let us help find the services or courses that can best help you or your business.
Experts and professionals
15 300
Open University students
1 300
Continuing education students
Our services
Our Open University is the third largest open university educator in Finland with more than 100 academic subjects offered. We offer several pathways to become a degree student at the Open University. the University is genuinely open to all and requires no educational background.
Our offered range of courses in continuing professional education consists of hands-on training combined with applied university education. We also plan and implement unique service packages and training courses for our customers. Through us, you get access to a unique network of trainers, colleagues and experts. We are the only provider of EMBA training in Eastern Finland.
Contact us!
Email our student counselling service at avoinyliopisto-ohjaus@uef.fi. Your email will be answered by our guidance counsellors or the academic subject’s coordinator, depending on your question.
Email our customer service at avoinyliopisto@uef.fi. Your email will be answered by our guidance counsellors or the academic subject’s coordinator, depending on your question.
Street and postal addresses
The Centre for Continuous Learning operates at both the Joensuu Campus and Kuopio Campus.
At Joensuu Campus, we are located in the Aurora building at the address Yliopistokatu 2 A (2nd floor).
Postal address: P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland.
At Kuopio Campus, we are located in the Bioteknia building at the address Neulaniementie 2 (2nd floor). Postal address: P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland