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Tohtorit ja kunniatohtorit hatutettuina.

Doctoral conferment ceremony in Joensuu saw academic traditions and new experiences, and celebrated the freedom of science

Head Conferrer of Degrees, Professor Lauri Thurén and honorary doctor Michael H. Epstein.
Head Conferrer of Degrees, Professor Lauri Thurén (right) and honorary doctor Michael H. Epstein.
Rector Jukka Mönkkönen.
Rector Jukka Mönkkönen.
. Rosemary Mwanza, Doctor of Law, was chosen as the Primus Doctor.
Primus doctor Rosemary Mwanza.
Ultimus doctor Nicola Kokkonen giving speech.
Ultimus doctor Nicola Kokkonen.
Head Conferrer of Degrees, Professor Lauri Thurén and Mari Parkkinen, bishop.
Bishop Mari Parkkinen was one of the doctorates.
Tiedon valo -tilaisuus.
Light of learning event.