The Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law is a interdisciplinary two-year programme that combines group teaching and independent research with the objective of providing participants with professional skills in environmental law and policy. The programme consists of advanced study of law and policy in relation to the environment, climate change and natural resources.
All students will complete basic courses on environmental law and environmental policy. They will choose between two alternative majors:
- Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Governance: The scientific background for the major is environmental policy which offers the social scientific perspective to current environmental problems and their solutions. Within the major, you can specialise in global and local governance issues and in policy formulation and implementation. The target degree is a Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc).
- Environmental and Climate Change Law: Environmental law includes a number of specialized areas of legal practice, such as climate change law and natural resources law. Environmental lawyers can also specialize in international legal issues, EU law or national environmental legislation. The target degree is a Master of International and Comparative Law (MICL).
Students also have the possibility to minor in the opposite major (recommended) or complete minor studies in the subject area of their choosing if they complement the degree.
For instructions on how to apply and a direct link to the application form on Studyinfo, please scroll down. The application period is in January.
Key information
- Level of degree: Master's degree
- Programme duration: 2 years / 120 ECTS credits
- Language of instruction: English
- Application period: January
- Programme start: Beginning of September
- Tuition fee: EU/EEA nationals no tuition fee; non-EU/EEA nationals 10,000 €/academic year
- Tuition waivers available for everyone
- Study campus: Joensuu
- Modes of study: on-campus learning
Why study with us?
The first courses of the autumn semester commence in the beginning of September, and on the spring semester usually on the second week of January. Some courses that are part of the UEF Summer School take place in August.
The Environmental Policy and Law master's programme is a two-year programme (altogether 120 study credits). The student should aim at completing at least 60 study credits each academic year (30 credits per semester).
Structure of the programme 2024–2025 and minor information
The current curriculum and information on courses is available in the Study Guide.
Curriculum 2024-2025 can be downloaded here.
Curriculum 2022–2024 can be downloaded here.
Curriculum 2021–2022 can be downloaded here.
Curriculum 2019–2021 can be downloaded here.
Students receive guidance on planning and scheduling their studies at the start of their studies by participating in the Introduction to Master’s Degree Studies, Environmental Policy and Law course.
The language of the programme
The language of the programme is English. Students are required to complete at least 80 % of the courses in English.
The Finnish national credit point allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, independent studies and examinations have been included in this estimate of required workload of a student.
The grading of courses at the University of Eastern Finland follows two basic practices: 1) Pass or Fail, or 2) applying a numerical scale with grading from 0-5 for passed courses. (5 - excellent, 0 - fail)
Student Exchange for Degree Students
Students of Master's Degree Programme can apply for exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus and Nordplus). For more information of the possibilities and practicalities, please see the university's instructions for exchange studies.
Master's thesis
The Master's Thesis Seminar and Master's thesis is compulsory for students in the Master's degree programme in Environmental Policy and Law. The thesis is written on a topic related to the student's major and agreed upon between the student and a professor who specialises in the topic of the thesis. Students receive support during the Masters’ Thesis Seminar and from their thesis supervisor during the writing process. Each student is assigned a supervisor at the beginning of the Master’s Thesis Seminar. The UEF Law School and Department of Geographical and Historical Studies have varying instructions and practices regarding master's thesis seminar and writing.
The Master's Thesis should be an independent entity. The thesis is a written research assignment and approximately around 60–100 pages in length, including everything. The thesis should follow the writing instructions given in the Master’s Thesis seminar.
Master's thesis seminar
The seminar teaches students how to conduct independent academic research in their field as well as to present research questions and apply the appropriate research methods. The purpose of the thesis is to prove that the student has acquired the level of maturity that is required for a higher university degree. The students will also learn how to critically analyse other students' research and how to present feedback.
The first meeting of the master’s thesis seminar takes place during the spring of the first year of studies. Participation to the seminar is compulsory. Students planning to begin their master's thesis writing must register to the seminar and attend it from the beginning. The topic for the thesis is decided during the first meetings of the seminar (or following the meeting, should any follow-up between the student and professor be needed). In these meetings, the students will be given guidance and support in choosing the topic. The students are free to present their own ideas and suggestions as regards topics that they would find interesting. It is advisable to start thinking about possible topics during the first year of studies.
The Master's thesis is graded from 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest grade.
The student will receive a written evaluation. For example, the following aspects are highlighted in the evaluation:
- Definition and scope of the research problem
- The level of argumentation, independence and consistency
- Form and presentation of the sources used
- Form and presentation, linguistic form and revision
- The compatibility of conclusions and research problems
- Accuracy of research data and material
Recent Master's Thesis Topics
Environmental and Climate Change Law:
- Sustainable Finance in the EU – implications for the operation and compliance of financial institutions
- A Comparative Study of Wildlife Laws of Ethiopia and Vietnam
- Legislation on Zero-Emission Vehicles: Solution Towards Carbon-Neutrality or a Non-Sustainable Option?
- The complex relationship between international investment law and EU law: Possible implications of the Achmea- judgement for the jurisdiction of intra-EU disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty
- Assessing the effectiveness of NDCs and of the ambition raising mechanism in the pursue of the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals
- Flexibilities of the LULUCF Regulation – helping the Member States to mitigate climate change or creating a backsliding opportunity?
- Energy communities in the centre of EU energy transition. Legal status of energy community under the “Clean energy for all Europeans” package
- The equality of all suppliers under the data and cost sharing mechanism established by Article 95
- Compatibility of Finnish fossil fuel tax breaks with the EU State aid legislation
- A Seat at the (Trading) Table: Non-Market Mechanisms in the Paris Agreement
- Helping victims of climate impacts: Loss and Damage finance under the UNFCCC and beyond
- From Politics to Legislation: Efficiency & Implementation of SUP Directive 2019/904/EU
- Can Adaptive Governance Mitigate the Challenges Presented by the Scientific Uncertainty in River Basin Management Planning and Environmental Permitting?
- Union cohesion policy funds in the implementation of the European Hydrogen Strategy: Legal opportunities and limits
- Extended Producer Responsibility in Theory and in Practice: Requirements of EPR for Fibre-Based Packaging Sector in the EU Legislation
- Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment Implementation in the Lower Mekong River Basin on the basis of the 1995 Mekong Agreement
- EU Biofuel Legislation & CSR: Finland
- Useful or Usable: Does the existing transparency framework influence the national decision-making process of developing countries?
- Protection of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: Analyzing the potential effects of the new UN BBNJ regulation on the current legal framework of Marine Protected Areas in the ABNJ
- Boost or barrier? The scope and flexibility of environmental safeguards in REDD+ in Ghana
- Status Treaties Revisited: Implications for International Environmental Law
- How can Australia's leading environmental legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, accommodate ecological restoration?
- Polluter Pays Principle and Regulation of Environmental Pollution in the Nigerian Oil Sector
- Towards the recognition and implementation of rights of nature in the European Union? Lessons learnt from the legislative experiences of Ecuador, Bolivia and New-Zealand
Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Governance:
- The Long Debate Around Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: History of a Policy Concept and its Impact on Global Environmental Governance
- Evaluation of Companies' Motives, Values, and Views Impact on Collaborative Cross-sector Climate Action: Case Study Imatra
- Social capital in community forestry: Findings from a quick scoping review about Oaxaca State, Mexico
- Assessment of Mongolian environmental non-governmental organizations
- How uncertainty shapes access to resources for local communities: lessons from inhabited forest concessions in the miombo woodlands in central Mozambique
- Beyond Anthropocentrism: Understanding Ecosexual Discourse in the context of Environmental Law and Policy
- Regulatory Framework on Geothermal Energy in Finland - Lessons learned from the Deep Heat-project in Otaniemi, Espoo
You can take a look at previous thesis topics in the UEF e-publications. You can also search for Master's theses in UEF Primo.
Counselling and guidance are offered by the programme coordinators. Department amanuenses and other staff of the university also guide students in various academic matters.
Programme Coordinators
Raihanatul Jannat and Heli Siponen
- Counselling on general academic matters
- Advising on Personal Study Plan
- Processing of graduation paperwork and recognition of studies
Student Feedback
Feedback from students is highly appreciated, as it serves the development of teaching, guidance and student services. When you wish to give us feedback, please contact the following persons:
- Course feedback: Responsible teacher of the course
- Semester feedback meetings: coordinators and directors of the programme, general feedback on the semester and courses
- General feedback of teaching, guidance and teaching arrangements in the Department: Vice-head for teaching and the programme coordinators
- Academic matters in general in the faculty: Head of academic and student affairs
In case you do not know who to contact, contact the programme coordinators who can give you the right contact information.
How to apply?
Eligibility criteria - 2025 Admission
Appropriate Bachelor's degree or equivalent university degree
A previous Bachelor's degree corresponding to at least 3 years of full-time academic studies from an institution for higher education is required from all Master's degree applicants. The degree must be awarded by an internationally recognized university or by a recognized university of applied sciences or polytechnic.
- A Bachelor's degree or equivalent university degree with good academic results corresponding to at least three years of full-time study in law, policy, environmental sciences, social-scientific environmental studies, another appropriate field in social science, or interdisciplinary environmental studies.
- Successful applicants can be made a conditional offer of admission subject to satisfactory completion of the required academic degree. The deadline for submitting copies of the degree certificate and transcript of records (in original language and translated as applicable) is 30 May 2025.
- The programme accepts applications from students who have not completed their degree by the application deadline. Such applicants must indicate their anticipated graduation date in their application and submit their latest official transcript of records. Applicants obtaining their degree certificate and the final transcript of records during the application period should send copies of the documents as soon as possible. Successful applicants are required to deliver officially certified copies of the final degree certificate and the transcript of records to the programme coordinator by 31 July 2025.
Official translations: If your educational documents are issued in a language other than English, Finnish, or Swedish, you must provide official translations in one of these languages. These translations must be done by the degree-awarding institution or a certified translator. Every page of the official translation should include the translator's stamp and/or signature. The translation must accurately reflect the original documents, and self-translations by applicants are not accepted.
Language requirements
Applicants must either (1) meet the language proficiency criteria (see below), or (2) reach the minimum required language test results to be considered eligible to the University of Eastern Finland. No exceptions will be made, i.e. other documents indicating language proficiency are disregarded – no waivers will be granted regardless of circumstances - failure to fulfil the language requirements indicated by (1) or (2) will result in an incomplete application and will not be considered in the application process.
(1) Applicants who hold one of the following do not have to take an English language test
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed their secondary education in English language in EU/EEA -countries, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or in Switzerland.
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed a Bachelor’s, Master’s or higher degree in English language in EU/EEA -countries, or in one of the following countries: Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada, Dominica, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South-Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed English as A language with minimum grade Magna Cum Laude Approbatur as part of Finnish Matriculation Examination
The degree/programme must be taught and assessed entirely in English. If you verify your language skills with your education degree, the language of instruction must be clearly indicated on the educational documents. It is recommended, however, for applicants who have also taken a language test to indicate their test scores when applying.
Online studies or studies completed on offshore campuses outside the accepted countries/area cannot be used to indicate language skills, even if the degree-awarding institution is in one of the accepted countries.
The university retains the discretion to determine whether the degree complies with the Programme’s English-language proficiency requirements. If the degree includes transfer credits from outside the specified country/area or courses in a language other than English, the degree might not be deemed to fulfill the requirement.
(2) All other applicants must take one of the following language tests and submit results with the following minimum scores to be considered in the application process
- TOEFL iBT, overall score 92, min. 22 in writing
- IELTS Academic test overall score 6.5, min. 6.0 in writing
- PTE Academic test overall score 62, min 54 in writing
- C1 Advanced overall score C or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- C2 Proficiency overall score level C1 or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- National Certificate of Language Proficiency YKI-test: level 5 in all different subtests (reading comprehension, writing and speaking). It is possible to combine different examinations.
No other degrees or statements of language proficiency will be accepted.
TOEFL, IELTS and PTE certificates are valid for two years from the day they are issued, i.e. the language test need to be in effect during the application period, from 8 January 2023 onwards.
The language test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organiser.
Required Enclosures
The required enclosures must be uploaded electronically to the application in Studyinfo. The educational documents must be high-quality scans or electronically verified original documents.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree certificate
- The applicant must attach the original degree certificate to their
online applications. In case the required original documents are not in English,
Finnish or Swedish, a complete, word-by-word literal translation into one of these
three languages by an official translator is required.- The original Bachelor's or Master's degree certificate in the original language and an official translation of the degree certificate as applicable.
OR - Temporary degree certificate in the original language (alternative to degree certificate) and an official translation of the temporary degree certificate as applicable.
AND - Certificate of graduation in the original language and an official translation of the certificate of graduation as applicable.
AND - Applicants holding provisional degree certificates may also apply for the programme. That is, the degree must be verifiably completed and the required documents of the completion of this degree must be submitted.
- The original Bachelor's or Master's degree certificate in the original language and an official translation of the degree certificate as applicable.
- The applicant must attach the original degree certificate to their
Official Transcript of Records
- Official Transcript of Records of Bachelor's or Master's degree in the original language and a translation of the transcript of records as applicable. The transcript of Records must include information on the extent of the studies, grades and description of the grading system. In case the required original documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, a complete, word-by-word literal translation into one of these three languages by an official translator is required.
- If the degree has not been completed at the time of application, the applicants must submit their latest official transcript of records.
Proof of English language proficiency according to the eligibility requirements
Essay in English
- Applicants can find the essay assignment published on the programme website and must write their essay in a singular document which must be uploaded as an attachement to StudyInfo with the application. Applicants should write their name on the essay and name the file lastname_EPLEssay. The essay assignment will be published on the programme website in this section 1 December 2024 (below). Use of AI is phrohibited and will be considered as plagiarism. University of Eastern Finland uses plagiarism detection software.
- Essay instructions:
- Topic: Critically discuss a specific environmental governance challenge, law, or policy from the past two years (2023–2024) in your home country, country of residence, or at the international level.
- Essay guidance: The essay should focus on one or more aspects of the chosen governance challenge, law, or policy, but it does not need to address all issues. Describe what makes it problematic, propose potential solutions, and discuss its relevance to topical themes in environmental law and policy. The description of the governance challenge, law, or policy should make up no more than one-third of the essay’s total length. The main focus should be on your critical analysis.
- The structure, perspective, and style of the essay are for the applicant to choose. References to academic literature are encouraged, with citations including the source and page numbers in parentheses.
- Write a short (approximately 1,200-word) essay and submit it as a PDF document through the online application form (Studyinfo). Please use an easy-to-read font such as Open Sans, Ariel, Calibri or Times New Roman. Clearly specify your full name at the top of the document. Name the file LastName_EPLEssay.
- The use of AI is prohibited. The University of Eastern Finland uses specialized software to detect plagiarism and AI-generated content. Essays found to contain plagiarized or AI-generated content will be disqualified.
- The essay will be assessed (0–30 points) based on originality and overall academic quality.
Motivation Letter
- Applicants must submit a Motivation Letter of maximum one page, according to the instructions published here 1 December 2024 (below).
- Motivation Letter instructions:
- Write a short (500-words maximum) motivation letter. Please use an easy-to-read font such as Open Sans, Ariel, Calibri or Times New Roman. Clearly specify your full name at the top of the document. Put the word count at the bottom of the document. Name the file, LastName_EPLMotivation, and submit it as a PDF document through the online application form (Studyinfo).
- The use of AI is prohibited. The University of Eastern Finland uses specialized software to detect plagiarism and AI-generated content. Motivation letters found to contain plagiarized or AI-generated content will be disqualified.
- The motivation letter will be assessed (0–15 points) based on relevance and quality.
Letter of recommendation in English
- Applicants are required to submit a letter of recommendation from at least one referee. The letter of recommendation must be written in English. The letter of recommendation should be from a person who is in a position to describe the applicant’s readiness, motivation and relevant skills to successfully complete the Master's programme. Letters of recommendation from academic referees (such as former professors or teachers) are preferred, but letters of recommendation from former or current employers are also accepted. The recommendation letter must bear an original signature from the referee, and it should be uploaded to the online application with the other documents.
- Only in exceptional cases in which it is not possible for the letter of recommendation to be uploaded to StudyInfo by the applicant, the referee may email the programme coordination directly with the letter as an attachement within the deadline.
Copy of Passport
All enclosures are compulsory for the selection process, without all the compulsory enclosures the application will be considered incomplete and the applicant cannot be considered in the application process. It is always the applicant’s responsibility to make sure that the application documents reach the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) by the deadline. UEF does not process any application documents that have arrived after the deadline.
Application period 2025
Application period begins on 8 January 2025 and will last until 22 January 2025 3 pm (GMT +2). After you have successfully sent your application, it is possible to upload documents after the application deadline until 29 January 2025, 3 pm (GMT +2) (supplementary time).
Application process step by step: Three steps to follow
1. Search & apply online
You can find all available study programs in Finland on the Studyinfo portal, where you can search for suitable options and begin your application. The online application is accessible only during the application period, so be sure to check the dates. Once you have found a program you wish to apply to, find out what the admission requirements are
2. Gather your documents
Details about the documents required for admission are provided by the program you are applying to, as well as on the Studyinfo portal. The list of necessary documents is also included in the online application. Check the language requirements – is a language test needed? The application document checklist: 1. Original degree and graduation certificates in original language* 2. Original transcript of records in original language* 3. Proof of English language proficiency 4. Scan of passport photo page + Other programme specific documents (see above section about admission requirements)
*Official translations of degree and graduation certificates and transcript of records, if original is not in English, Finnish or Swedish
3. Submit the application
You must submit the all required documents as original electronic documents or high quality scanned attachments along with your online application. Instructions are provided on the application form in StudyInfo. Ensure that all documents are uploaded by the specified deadline, as email attachments will not be accepted. After you submitting you receive a confirmation email. This email includes a link for making changes to your application during the application period.
Verification of educational documents
The University of Eastern Finland will assess the eligibility and authenticity of educational certificates for all applicants. This process includes verifying information with previous educational institutions and language test providers.
Evaluation of applicants (the selection process)
Applicants are requested to submit completed application form and necessary documentation by the set deadline. Please note that partially-completed or incomplete applications ( that are missing required enclosures) will be automatically rejected. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
The admission process in the Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law aims at fair selection of high-quality applicants. Student selection is based on evaluation of application documents, essay, motivation letter, recommendation letter(s) and how the applicant’s skills and competences gained by the previous academic studies correspond to the Master's studies applied for. Meeting the minimum application requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the programme.
Applicants will be ranked by cumulative scores in accordance to the selection criteria (selection criteria and maximum points per category detailed in next section).The highest scoring 25 applicants are offered study places in the program and the remainder of the applicants are rejected. The programme may accept more applicants by discretion to fill the available study places in the programme. Applicants are not placed on the waiting list.
The applications will be graded using the following selection criteria:
- Educational background (appropriate Bachelor's degree or equivalent university degree) 0–40 points:
- Relevance of studies
- Academic success
- Essay 0–30 points:
- Instructions will be published on the programme website 1 December 2024 in the "Admission requirements" -section
- Motivation letter 0–15 points
- Instructions will be published on the programme website 1 December 2024 in the "Admission requirements" -section
- Recommendation letter(s) 0-5 points
Incomplete or late applications will not be considered in the application process and will be automatically rejected. If an applicant scores less than 50% of points from any of the following sections: Educational background, essay and motivation letter, the application will be automatically rejected. The maximum score is 90 points. The final student selection will be made based on the cumulative score of educational background, recommendation letter(s), essay and motivation letter.
Selection results
Results for studies starting in September 2025 will be published on 28.5.2025 at the latest. When the selection decision has been made, the results will be posted immediately to applicants by email.
Admitted students shall inform whether they accept their study place by latest on 10 July 2025 at 3 pm (EEST) electronically via Studyinfo portal or by submitting the confirmation form to
According to One study place per term provision, a student may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland during one academic term. This rule applies to all higher education.
Conditional acceptance
- All accepted students must provide officially certified copies of their educational documents if they cannot authenticate their degree/transcript electronically when applying. The students will be conditionally accepted until they have provided the certified copies of the educational document (degree certificate and transcript of records). Country specific requirements are in use in situations when the applicant cannot provide the documents electronically. Successful applicants who applied with a provisional degree certificate must provide a certified copy of the final degree certificate. The documents must be delivered to the University of Eastern Finland by 30 May 2025.
- If you are required to pay tuition fees, your acceptance is conditional until you have paid the first instalment of tuition fee and signed the Student Agreement.
- Your admission is conditional if you apply to UEF with a degree that is not finished during the application period. It is required that the applicants deliver officially certified copies of the final degree certificate and the transcript of records to the programme coordinator by 31 July 2025.
In case the applicants do not deliver the required documents by the given deadline, their study right will be cancelled.
Delimitation of granting right to study
You cannot be granted a new right to study resulting in a Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) or Master of International and Comparative Law (MICL) degree if you already have a valid right to study in the Master’s degree programme in Environmental Policy and Law at the University of Eastern Finland.
If you disagree with the decision you may apply for a rectification of the decision from the Dean of the faculty by 11 June 2025 at 3 pm (EEST) at the latest. The instructions for making a request for rectification can be found on Admissions results website.
Tuition fees and scholarships
The annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students is 10,000 EUR. There are no tuition fees for students who are citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. Applicants subject to tuition fees can apply for tuition waivers and scholarships during the university application process by completing the relevant section on the application form. A 30% tuition waiver available to all subject to tuition fees. In addition, the highest ranked applicant will be completely exempted from paying the tuition fee (UEF Scholarship).
Students who are awarded a tuition fee waiver are required to sign and return a student agreement. The Early Bird deduction ends on 11 June 2025. The annual tuition fee must be paid by August 31 in one or two installments. In addition, Student Union membership fee and Kela student health care fee are obligatory for degree students.
Please be aware that UEF scholarships and tuition waivers do not cover living expenses or travel costs to Finland. Ensure that you have adequate funds to cover your living and study expenses while in Finland.
Application period 2025
Our application period is open from 8 January 2025 to 22 January 2025. The application is completed and submitted online.
Apply via Studyinfo is the official national admissions portal with all the up-to-date information about study programmes leading to a degree in Finland.
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