UEF water research brings together researchers and research groups from various fields of science. UEF water research conducts research on a high international level and educates water experts. We provide interdisciplinary solutions for sustainable, responsible and integrated utilization of the aquatic resources by combining expertise from various scientific disciplines.
We develop trailblazing technologies for water monitoring and treatment as well as recognition of aquatic pollutants. We provide interdisciplinary solutions for protecting aquatic biodiversity and for managing the resilience of freshwater aquatic ecosystems effectively. In addition, we aim to create sustainable well-being from water resources and nature tourism and develop adaptive and transformative governance tools for a science-based, effective and equitable management of waters. Furthermore, we are building an open innovation ecosystem, where stakeholders from universities, national research institutes, and water related businesses can meet and establish collaborative networks.

Interdisciplinary and systemic orientation is key so that our focus on one challenge does not create challenges elsewhere. This applies to water management but also to research and societal decision-making.
Niko Soininen

News and events
Upcoming events
The sustainable use of aquatic environments as an accelerator for research, wealth, and well-being
UEF Water research community aims to be the most internationally recognized Finnish water research organization in ten years (goal). The strategy for reaching this goal research community has interdisciplinary missions for three pillars:
- Research: Practical innovative solutions stemming from internationally high-level research.
- Education: Provide high-quality and timely information for future and existing experts in the water rated fields.
- Impact: To be a trusted source of information and a provider of science-based knowledge to support decision making.
These pillars create the basis for an open innovation ecosystem that collects key stakeholders and collaborating institutes for collaborative water-related activities (vision). The strategy is based on integrity, high-quality & open research, and equality (values). The open innovation ecosystem will create a solid basis for high-impact research. The ecosystem is coordinated by the UEF water research.
All the activities of the multidisciplinary water research community will be reflected on the functioning of the new innovation ecosystem. Also, a new problem-based multidisciplinary training program to support continuous learning of professionals in water-related fields will be developed in collaboration with Savonia University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish sector research institutes (eg., LUKE, SYKE, GTK, THL, VTT) as well as with the private and public authorities.

UEF water research brings together researchers and research groups from various fields of science. UEF water research aims to conduct research on a high international level and educate experts for water related fields. Furthermore, we aim to create an open innovation ecosystem, where stakeholders from the university, national research institutes, and water related businesses can meet and establish collaborative networks. By doing this, we aim to increase the impact of water related research and promote the sustainable use of water resources.
- Improvement of sustainable, responsible and integrated utilization of the aquatic resources (interdisciplinary approach).
- Development of new sustainable water monitoring and treatment techniques going beyond the state-of-art technologies.
- Creation of novel advanced analytical and assessment tools to enable the understanding and recognition of the effects of the emerging pollutants.
- Development of interdisciplinary solutions to protect biodiversity and improve resilience of freshwater aquatic ecosystems.
- Create sustainable well-being concept from water resources and nature tourism.
- Recognize the shortcomings in the present multi-level regulatory framework and develop new adaptive and transformative governance tools for a science-based, effective and equitable management of social-ecological resilience in aquatic systems.
The UEF water research programme has a board of directors.
Members of the board
- Dean Kari Lehtinen (Chair of the board, Faculty of Science and Forestry)
- Dean Sari Rissanen (Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies)
- Dean Jussi Pihlajamäki (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Professor Jonne Naarala (Head of the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences)
- Professor Matti Turtiainen (Head of the UEF Law School)
- Professor Jussi Kukkonen (Leader of the WATER Research Community)
- Professor Niko Soininen (Leader of the WATER Research Community)
WATER Researchers
Water research related groups and projects
- Applied chemistry
- Aquatic ecotoxicology
- Biogeochemistry research group
- Biorefining
- CCEEL - The Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law
- CEMMS - Research Center for Mining, Minerals and Society
- Digital Geosciences
- diMPex - Direct microplastic exposure via foodstuff and food packaging - plastic leachables and their health effects
- Environmental informatics
- Environmental Law Research Group
- FINE - particle and aerosol technology laboratory
- FishEDU- Capacity building for fisheries and aquaculture education in Kyrgyzstan
- Food Research
- Innovative water protection methods (ended in 2022)
- Law in Water and Environmental Goveranance
- Microplastic research
- The research group of Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology
- Saimaa ringed seal research
- SIB Labs infrastructure unit
- Social Scientific Biosociety Research Network (SOBIO)
- Tourism Business
- Responsive Natural Resources Governance Research Group
- Water Chemistry and Microbiology Research Group
- WInECO - Water Innovation Ecosystem
Water related studies in the UEF
In the UEF, we offer several water related courses. Here are some examples in alphabetical order. More information about the courses can be found from the UEF Study Guide
COURSES, YEAR 2023-2024
Course nr Name
LY00CI58 Advanced Water Chemistry and Treatment, 3-4 ECTS
3710460 Advanced Water Hygiene, 5 ECTS
3710236 Applied Water Chemistry, 2 ECTS
LY00CH23 Applied Water Chemistry, 3 ECTS
3125205 Baltic Sea Environment, 3 ECTS
3125109 Basic Fish Biology, 3 ECTS
3125201 Basic Fish Biology 2, 2 ECTS
3125102 Basic Hydrobiology and Limnology, 3 ECTS
3123175 Current issues in aquatic ecotoxicology, 2 ECTS
3123242 Fish and fisheries biology, lectures, 4 ECTS
3513169 Forest soil hydrology, 3-6 ECTS
5311731 International Water Law, 5 ECTS
3125110 Introduction to Ecotoxicology, 5 ECTS
3123145 Lectures in Aquatic Ecotoxicology and Environmental Research, 6 ECTS
3123144 Literature Report in Aquatic Ecotoxicology and Environmental Research, 2 ECTS
3122120 Literature Report in Hydrobiology, Bachelor level, 2 ECTS
3123195 Sustainable Water Management, 5 ECTS
3125111 Taxonomic knowledge and biology of ecological status assessment, 4 ECTS
5311713 Water Law, 5 ECTS
3710479 Water pollution prevention and resource recovery, 5 ECTS
3513118 Water Resources Management, 3 ECTS
3710222 Water Treatment, 3 ECTS
3710551 Waterborne pathogens - detection, identification and epidemiological features, 2 ECTS
Course nr Name
3125211 Book examination, Aquatic Ecotoxicology (intermediate studies), 5 ECTS
3123413 Book Examination, Aquatic Ecotoxicology of Metals (advanced studies), 4 ECTS
3125112 Book Examination, Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (basic studies), 4 ECTS
3123407 Book Examination, Fish Biology (advanced studies), 3 ECTS
3123410 Book Examination, Fish Biology (advanced studies), 4 ECTS
3122258 Book examination, fish biology (intermediate studies), 4-6 ECTS
3125208 Book Examination, Limnology (basic studies), 3 ECTS
3123406 Book Examination, Limnology (advanced studies), 3 ECTS
3123405 Book Examination, Limnology (advanced studies), 4 ECTS
3123404 Book Examination, Limnology (advanced studies), 8 ECTS