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Kuopio Health Insights 2024

Pharma Development and Digital Health
  • Seminaari
  • Terveys ja hyvinvointi
Kuopion Musiikkikeskus
Kuopionlahdenkatu 23
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Kuopio Health Insights 2024 (KHI 2024) is about experiencing firsthand how a relatively small yet incredibly dedicated and collaborative ecosystem has blossomed into a powerful, data-driven innovation magnet within the health and wellbeing sector in Finland – and how it is leading the digital health transformation and creating positive health outcomes for people in Finland and beyond.

Kuopio Health Insights 2024 will focus on Pharma Development and Digital Health.

This two-day event will take place on 13–14 August at Kuopio Music Centre, address Kuopionlahdenkatu 23.

Day one offers a half-day seminar and unique and relaxing networking opportunity aboard by scenic Kuopio boat cruise on beautiful Lake Kallavesi. Day two will be filled with engaging sessions and activities. The event will culminate with a special dinner at Luoto Kuopio, address Makasiininkatu 5.

Seminar sessions:
- Pharma and Vaccine Development
- Health Data & Analysis
- Digital & Industrial Solutions.

The event is organised by the Kuopio Health innovation ecosystem, with the University of Eastern Finland as a partner.

Please read more and register by 6 August on the Kuopion Health Insights 2024 web pages.  Welcome!

For further information, please contact Marja-Terttu Nyman-Lappalainen, phone +358 50 387 2664, email marja-terttu@kuopiohealth.fi.