- Kielet ja kulttuurit
The Argumenta project (Uskontolukutaito moniarvoisessa yhteiskunnassa) hosts a one-day seminar organized by the University of Eastern Finland on the 14th of September, 2021.
The seminar takes on questions and discussions of religious literacy and education, the future of religious education and pedagogy globally and in a Finnish context, and aspects on plurality and critical engagement.
The seminar welcomes all participants, professionals and students alike, interested in the future challenges of religious education in a Finnish context as well as globally to join the event.
The Seminary Day is held partly on-line and on-site, hosted by the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu. Please register for on-site participation. On-line participation does not require registration.
The Seminar Day will be streamed, and links are provided on our social media before the seminar date.
Keynote speakers
Gert Biesta, Professor of Educational Theory and Pedagogy, University of Edinburgh:
Religious literacy and the aims of education
Martha Shaw, Associate Professor in Education, London South Bank University:
Beyond RE - Worldview literacy as critical engagement in plurality
The updating seminar information is available on our Facebook event. Please check the latest information there.
at 13.15–14.30
Opening Tuula Sakaranaho
Keynote: Gert Biesta: Religious literacy and the aims of education
Commentator: Inkeri Rissanen
Chair: Martin Ubani
Onsite: Carelia building, lecture hall C2, address Yliopistokatu 4, Joensuu.
Break 14.30-14.45
at 14.45–16.15
Keynote: Martha Shaw: Beyond RE - Worldview literacy as critical engagement in plurality
Commentator: Risto Aikonen
Discussion on both sessions
Chair: Teuvo Laitila
Onsite: Carelia building, lecture hall C2, address Yliopistokatu 4, Joensuu.
Break 16.30-17.30
at 17.15–19.15 (following program only in Finnish)
Alustus Tuuli Lähdesmäki: Kulttuurista lukutaitoa opettamassa ja oppimassa (30 min)
Paneeli: Kulttuurilukutaito ja uskonto 21. vuosisadan koulun kasvatustehtävässä
Keskustelijat: Laura Hirsto, Arto Kallioniemi, Kati Mikkola, Pekka Metso, Anne-Mari Souto
Puheenjohtaja: Timo Kallinen
Paikka: Carelicum, auditorio, Koskikatu 5, Joensuu.
Changes in the program are possible.
Please see information and guidelines on the COVID-19 situation here. / Seuraa ohjeita liittyen koronavirustilanteeseen täältä.