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Lejish Vettikkat Parameswaran, Arttu Ylisirniö, Iida Pullinen and Angela Buchholtz in Puijo tower.

Lejish Vettikkat Parameswaran, Arttu Ylisirniö, Iida Pullinen and Angela Buchholtz.

Puijo Tower – a cloud nine for cloud researchers

Last autumn, researchers of the Aerosol Physics Research Group in Kuopio momentarily moved their remote offices to Puijo Tower and down to the skiing stadium. Field measurements conducted in connection with an extensive EU project will be used to study atmospheric particles and the formation of cloud droplets.

  • Text Marianne Mustonen
  • Photos Raija Törrönen
Research equipment in Puijo Tower.
Puijo Tower

The air quality is still good in Kuopio, most of the time.

Iida Pullinen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Arttu Ylisirniö in a laboratory.
Arttu Ylisirniö
Lejish Vettikkat Parameswaran in the Puijo tower laboratory.
Lejish Vettikkat Parameswaran
Graphs on computer screen.
Once the same variable has been continuously measured for several years, it is possible to observe slow changes.

The FORCeS project, launched a year ago, will continue until 2023.

Iida Pullinen and Arttu Ylisirniö
