Master's Degree Programme in Tourism Marketing and Management is not only about making money; we aim to make tourism better. Better for tourism businesses, better for tourists, better for the environment and better for local communities. This is what we teach our students and this is what the students can do when they have finished our degree programme.
We will provide you with the tools and skills needed to make it in the future. Your choices of what to study and where define your future and we take this responsibility seriously.
Our students are problem solvers who enjoy challenges and want to see the effects of their work. They are critical thinkers who can identify and tackle complex problems in the field of tourism. They are creative, service-oriented, quality conscious and hard working.
We provide students comprehensive knowledge on how to manage and market tourism businesses and destinations in modern, global tourism field.
Our program is not the easiest there is, but there are not many like it in the world. We focus on understanding the customer, on creating value for all people and organizations involved in tourism, on small and medium-sized enterprises, and on wellbeing of tourists, nature, businesses and local people. We do this with the latest academic knowledge combined with real-life business challenges.
Key information
- Level of degree: Master's degree
- Programme duration: 2 years / 120 ECTS credits
- Language of instruction: English
- Admission periods: October and January
- Programme start: January and September
- Tuition fee: EU/EEA nationals no tuition fee; non-EU/EEA nationals 10,000 €/academic year
- Study campus: Joensuu
- Modes of study: on campus learning
Why study with us?
- High-quality studies. We are using innovative teaching methods that inspire and motivate you to give 100 % to the programme and to develop your skills and career.
- Focus on students. We take good care of our students, keep track of how their studies are progressing and help them to learn what is required and get their degree.
- Co-operation with destinations and tourism companies. We are networked with various destinations and tourism businesses in Finland. Our network makes it possible for us to knit our courses to real-life business goals.
- Academic research. Our programme has a strong research focus. Right from the start, you will start to familiarize yourself with academic research and prepare for writing a master’s thesis.
- Unique focus topics. Wellbeing, nature tourism, sustainable tourism and technologies are all globally trending topics and form a strong and unique focus for our programme.
Master's Degree Programme in Tourism Marketing and Management provides students comprehensive knowledge on how to manage and market tourism businesses and destinations in modern, global tourism field. The studies focus on understanding the customer, creating value for all people and organizations involved in tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises, and on the wellbeing of tourists, nature, businesses and local people.
The education will give the students knowledge and tools to work in various positions in the field, such as an entrepreneur, a destination marketer, social media specialist, business manager or a consultant, just to name a few examples. Focus on technology, wellbeing, and responsible tourism will give the student a great position to work in the field of tourism with skills and knowledge respected and sought after by employers. The students become problem solvers who enjoy challenges and want to see the effects of their work. They are critical thinkers who can identify and tackle complex problems in the field of tourism. They are creative, service-oriented, quality conscious and hard working. These aims are achieved in the programme with the latest academic knowledge combined with real-life business challenges.
The current degree structure for the master's degree programme in Tourism Marketing and Management 2024-25, can be found in the UEF study guide.
Starting your studies?
Instructions for the new students is sent by email. In the beginning of the autumn semester, the instructions can also be found in the Business School's Study Community (requires UEF log in)
Every new student will create a personal study plan (PSP) with the Programme Coordinator in the first Autumn.
See also Practical guide for international students here.
Master's Degree Programme in Tourism Marketing and Management (TMM) provides you the skills and knowledge for various positions in the fields of business and tourism. The programme teaches you skills useful in everyday business such as understanding customer behaviour and creating customer experiences as well as online marketing, content creation and curation in social media, and analytical thinking.
Specialization in tourism marketing and management enables you to work in for example following positions in the field of tourism:
- Destination manager
- Entrepreneur
- Consultant and expert
- Destination marketer
- Marketing manager
- Social media marketer
The main focus in our program is to create talents that make tourism better. Our students will be the ones that develop the field, both in academia as well as in the industry. By finishing our degree you are also eligible to apply for doctoral student positions in universities around the world.
However, many of the future jobs do not even exist yet! TMM teaches students the skills and knowledge to prepare and adapt to changes to come and how they can help the tourism industry and research to keep up to date with the latest economical and technological developments.
You can find alumni stories from our Instgram account updated by TMM students.
Learn more about students who graduated from the Master's Degree Programme in Tourism Marketing and Management and their thesis topics. Names link to their LinkedIn profiles, feel free to connect with them and see what careers they are in! Clicking on the master's thesis name takes you to the download page.
- Khem Sharma: Sustainable Tourism Development in Pokhara: Understanding SME’s Perspectives on Sustainable Tourism Development
- Maria Murto: Sounds and music triggering emotions in digital tourism marketing materials - experimental study
- Kiran Khadka: Stakeholder identification and engagement for enhancing heritage management in Kathmandu Valley
- Minna Ahlstén: Gamification and innovation acceptance among Finnish DMO’s – Case King’s Road
- Laura Tuukkanen-McVicar: The impact of eudaimonic brand storytelling on a destination image
- Satu Makkonen: User-Generated Destination Recommendations on Social Media: A Study of Behavioral Intentions and Actual Behavior
- Suvi Karppinen: Generative Artificial Intelligence in Destination Management
- Alexander Pippi: Investigating the critical success factors for knowledge management and the impact of knowledge management on financial performance in tourism SMEs: mediating role of organizational learning
- Adeline Sutter: Collaboration for the Sustainable Development of a Tourism Destination: The Use of the Sustainable Travel Finland Program and Label as a Tool, Case Pori
- Susanna Kolu: B2B purchase motivations for gamified travel tours for urban and rural environments
- Tommi Kekäläinen: AI-chatbot prompting for great customer service in tourism
- Miisa Ruotsalainen: Forming trust in a distributed leadership DXO. Case North Savo
- Md Hossain: The use of Online Food Delivery (OFD) services during trip and food waste management
- Zhichao Huang: Digital Nomads in China – A Case Study of Anji’s Digital Nomad Community
- Reetta Ostela: Accessible Tourism Experiences of Families with Autistic Children
- Jere Jokelainen: Exploring hotel chains' determinants of competitiveness between prior visitors and non-visitors: an importance-performance analysis approach
- Elias Faler: Collaboration for the Sustainable Development of a Tourism Destination: The Use of the Sustainable Travel Finland Program and Label as a Tool, Case Pori
- Otto Eskelinen: The Effect of Serious Leisure Characteristics on Travel-related Push and Pull Motives and Preferred Destination Attributes - Domestic travel by Finnish Disc Golfers
- Minna Huhtamo: Tourism entrepreneurs' willingness to grow their business - case North Karelia
- Sara Kansi: Case study: The role of species conservation in large carnivore viewing – How wildlife watching companies in Finland design their service to nurture customers’ conservation attitudes?
- Kiira Kuitunen: Vacationing as a motivational factor for medical tourists: Finnish women travelling for cosmetic surgery
- Aletta Kuoksa: Utopian thinking in smart tourism development: rethinking the Helsinki Tourist Information service concept. A case study.
- Jarkko Kääriäinen: Four provinces or one phenomenal destination? The core of networked brand identity in the Great Lake Saimaa region
- Dil Limbu: Overtourism destination: Finding the positive message in overtourism DMOs social media
- Surendra Maharjan: Exploring Finnish tourists' memorable tourism experience in Nepal
- Marianne Markkanen: Communicating the Image of North Karelia to German market
- Jouko Nuottila: Digital Journey Planner as a Facilitator of Last Mile Transportation Services in a Peripheral Tourism Destination
- Markus Rantsi: The impact of sustainability communication on tourists' willingness to pay for a cottage holiday
- Elias Rossinen: The North Karelian Tourism Entrepreneurs' Motivation, Trust, and Commitment Towards the Services of Visit Karelia. A Case Study.
- Nozhat Saravi: A study of the LGBTQ communitys's perspective regarding Finland as a tourist destination
- Taarna Väänänen: Faking or making a smile? How emotional labor is experienced in tourism frontlines: case study in passenger transportation business
- Henna Yletyinen: Experiencing sauna in Finland - International tourists' perspective
- Jenni Kiuttu: The role of value creation in nature tourism experience
- Iuliia Kuzmina: The role of different stakeholders in destination development - Case Sortavala region, Russian Karelia
- Juuso Kakkonen: Perceived benefits of cross-border cooperation projects in North Karelia
- Tiia Nordström: Coping strategies of skilled seasonal workers during COVID19 - case ski instructors
- Joona Lamppu: The role of emotional attachment in the creation of true brand loyalty.
- Madeleine Frohnholzer: Tinder Tourism - Exploring the role of Tinder in solo female travel: An affordance- and motivation-based approach.
- Sanna Lehtonen: A co-operative as a form of collaboration in tourism businesses
- Suvi Piispanen: Finns’ perceptions of luxury tourism in Finland
- Juha Väisänen: Destination´s alcohol price effects on tourism flows. Illustrative case study of the Finnish “Booze Rally” in the Baltic
- Anniina Merilinna: Requirements of effective responsibility communication in tourism
- Rosa Repo: Developing new virtual tourism experience based on customer value: Case Experience Kalevala
- Emmiina Lindfors: Engaging stakeholders for sustainable development with means of destination leadership and Sustainable Travel Finland program - Case study for Visit Tampere
- Elisa Sulkinoja: Eastern Finland service providers perception on Wellness Tourism
- Tuuli Pulkkinen: "Being able to be who I truly am, that is the most freeing feeling ever": experiences of travel behavior by transgender individuals
- Veera Riikonen: Consumer value of travelling by land experience
- Hanna Seitsonen: Destination leadership, collaboration and the effects of trust and power within the tourism network of North Karelia: A case study
- Sanelma Mäkelä: Altruistic values and actual behavior among cabin crew
- Tuulia Pelkonen: Motivations for silence tourism
- Tiina Kattilamäki: The Effect of Personal Values on Tourism Destination Choice from a Sustainability Perspective
- Jonna Kumpu: Measurement and financial value of social media marketing in destination marketing organizations
- Noora Väisänen: Activity-based Segmentation in North Karelian Rural Tourism Destinations
- Jatta Kalajoki: Residents perceptions of negative tourism impacts
- Janita Juvakka: Perceived barriers to sustainable tourist behavior among Finnish generation X females
- Ella Väänänen: Sustainable Tourism Destination Management, multiple case study from Lapland
How to apply?
Applicants with the following degrees and studies are eligible
- Bachelor’s degree
- A 3- or 4-year, or equivalent, bachelor’s degree at an accredited university or an accredited university of applied sciences/polytechnic level is required. Also, the degree must give the right to apply for university-level master's studies in the country concerned.
- The grade point average (GPA) of the degree used as the basis for the application must be at least 3.5/5 (on a 5-point scale).
- Academic business studies
- Either a minimum of 60 ECTS* in academic tourism business or business studies, or a bachelor’s or a master’s (or equivalent) degree in tourism business or business studies is required. (* 1 ECTS = a workload of 27 hours (lectures, assignments etc.))
- Language, communication and research method studies, internships, work experience, and final thesis/exam/project are not included in the above-mentioned studies. However, one course in economics, one course in logistics, one course in mathematics, and one course in business law may be included in the above-mentioned studies.
- If an applicant has several higher education degrees or separate studies in higher education that are not part of a degree, all these academic business studies can be considered when defining the applicant’s eligibility.
- Research method studies
- In addition, a minimum of 5 ECTS or two courses (minimum total of 5 ECTS) of research methods studies is required.
- If the name of your methodological course is not directly 'Econometrics', ‘Statistics’, or 'Quantitative/Qualitative Research Methods,' you may attach a course description to ensure the relevant course is counted toward the required quantitative studies. If no course description is provided, the course suitability will be evaluated based on the course name provided in the transcript.
Please note that all these three (3) requirements must be met for the applicant to be eligible to apply.
You must apply to our programme with your Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree, which will be used as the basis for the application. You must also submit all other higher educational documents that prove your eligibility to the programme, i.e., if your academic business studies are not included in your bachelor’s degree.
Applicants selected to pursue the master’s degree may be required to take supplementary studies; this is defined on an individual basis and will be included in the study plan for the student.
In addition, applicants who have completed a higher university degree leading to a higher university degree that does not include a lower university degree (e.g., a Finnish master's degree completed before the two-tier degree system) may be selected to complete a master’s degree.
Applicants who have not yet graduated or hold a provisional degree
If you have not completed your bachelor’s degree by the application deadline, you are still eligible to apply. In this case, you may be admitted to the master’s degree programme on the condition that you graduate and send an officially attested copy of the degree certificate to the University no later than 31 July 2025 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3). If you do not submit the degree certificate to the University in time, this conditional admission will expire.
Applicants holding a provisional degree certificate may also apply for the programme. That is, the degree must be verifiably completed and the required documents of the completion of this degree must be submitted.
Applicants who are not eligible
Applicants with a Finnish higher university degree in business administration [Master of Science (in the field of Economics and Business Administration)] or equivalent are not eligible. This applies also to those applicants who will graduate [Master of Science (in the field of Economics and Business Administration)] before the right to study begins.
Proficiency in English
Applicants must either 1) meet the language proficiency criteria (see below), or 2) reach the minimum required language test results to be considered eligible to the University of Eastern Finland. No exceptions will be made and no waivers regarding the language proficiency requirements are given.
1) Applicants who hold one of the following do not have to take an English language test:
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed their secondary education in English language in EU/EEA -countries, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or in Switzerland.
- English as an A language with minimum grade Magna Cum Laude Approbator as a part of Finnish Matriculation Examination.
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed a Bachelor’s, Master’s or higher degree in English language in EU/EEA -countries, or in one of the following countries:
- Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada, Dominica, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South-Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
The degree/programme must be taught and assessed entirely in English. If you verify your language skills with your education degree, the language of instruction and the location information of the teaching campus must be clearly indicated on the educational documents. If you are applying with one degree and indicating your language skills with another, you are required to submit educational documents for both degrees.
Online studies or studies completed on offshore campuses outside the accepted countries/area cannot be used to indicate language skills, even if the degree-awarding institution is in one of the accepted countries.
2) All other applicants must take one of the following language tests:
- TOEFL iBT, overall score 92, min. 22 in writing
- IELTS (academic) overall score 6.5, min. 6.0 in writing
- PTE (academic), overall score 62, min 54 in writing
- C1 Advanced overall score C or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- C2 Proficiency overall score level C1 or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- National Certificate of Language Proficiency YKI-test: level 5 in all different subtests (reading comprehension, writing and speaking). It is possible to combine different examinations.
No other degrees or statements of language proficiency will be accepted.
TOEFL, IELTS and PTE certificates are valid for two years from the day they are issued, i.e. the language test must be in effect during the application period.
The language test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organiser.
Online applications are to be submitted through Studyinfo portal (new tab) during 8 January - 22 January at 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3). Once you have filled out the online application, required enclosures must be uploaded electronically to the application (recommended file types are pdf and jpeg, max. file size 10 MB) by 29 January 2025 at 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3).
All available study programmes in Finland can be found on the Studyinfo portal where applicants can search for suitable programmes and start the application. The online application is only open during the application period.
Country-specific requirements will be announced here (new tab).
In, the applicant may apply to a maximum of two application options offered by the UEF Business School.
Applications are assessed based on the information available to the applications after the application and completion period. No further information is requested, and incomplete applications are rejected.
Supporting documents to be enclosed along with the application
The required enclosures need to be uploaded electronically to the application by 29 January 2025 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3) at the latest. UEF does not process application documents that have arrived after the deadline. All enclosures are compulsory for the selection process, and if an applicant fails to attach the required documents, their application will be rejected.
- Bachelor’s degree certificate, and if necessary, an English translation provided by an authorised translator. You are also required to submit educational documents for other degrees that you use to demonstrate your eligibility, e.g., language proficiency or business studies.
- If you verify your language skills with your education degree, the language of instruction must be clearly indicated on the educational documents.
- Original (or officially certified copy of) transcript of academic record, and if necessary, an English translation provided by an authorised translator. The transcript must include the course names, the number of credits of each course, grading, beginning and end dates of the studies, and the scale of grading used for the GPA and course grading, otherwise the application will not be considered. Note also, that the grade point average must either be given in the degree certificate, transcript of records or a separate, certified calculation (check below for further information).
- English language test certificate (if needed)
- A copy of a passport/other document of identification (not required from Finnish applicants)
- A 2-minute video, sharing your motivations for studying at UEF. Please answer all 3 of the following questions in the video:
- Why should we select you to the UEF Business School?
- What are your expectations of this master’s degree programme?
- What are your motivations when applying to UEF?
- This video is an introduction video of the applicant. The maximum duration is 2 minutes, within which the applicant must answer all the above questions. Please note that if you are applying to two Business School programmes, only record one video sharing your motivations for both programmes in question 2. The video must start by mentioning the programme and the university applied to. Please record the video in Recright by following this link. Please send the Studyinfo application before you submit the motivation video. The link to the Recright recording platform can be found in the Studyinfo application and the programme website. You have until the 29 January 2025 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3) to record the video.
If your educational documents do not mention your GPA, please follow the instructions below:
- Your GPA must be calculated and signed by the awarding university. It may be attached as a separate document to the application along with the degree certificate and transcript of records.
- Count the grade point average (GPA) for the degree that meets the requirement of a 3- or 4-year, or equivalent, bachelor’s degree at an accredited university or an accredited university of applied sciences/polytechnic level.
- The GPA calculation should be weighted; multiply the course grades with the course credits and divide by the total credits.
For example,
((grade1×credit1)+(grade2×credit2)+(grade3×credit3)) / (credit1+credit2+credit3) = GPA
- Count the GPA from the courses which have been graded on a numerical scale.
- Do not count courses that have been graded as "passed".
- Do count the grade for your final thesis/exam/project.
- Please only count grades of individual courses. If your transcript includes average grades for whole study units, do not count grade averages of larger units like minors or similar.
Verification of official educational documents
All accepted students need to provide officially certified copies of their educational documents, in the case that they cannot authenticate their degree/transcript electronically when applying. The students will be conditionally accepted until they have provided the certified copies of the educational documents (degree certificate and transcript of records). Country specific requirements are in use in situations when the applicant cannot provide the documents electronically. The last date to send the documents is 30 May 2025. In case the student does not deliver the documents by the given deadline, their study right will be cancelled.
Admission is conditional if the applicant applies to UEF with a degree that is not finished during the application period. It is required that the applicants deliver copies of the final officially certified degree certificate and the transcript of records to the programme coordinator by 31 July 2025.
Read more instructions on sending in documents here:
Applicants will be selected to pursue master’s degree studies based on their applications. Results will be announced by 28 May 2025, at the latest. The process could be finalised well before the set deadline.
When the selection decision has been made, the results will be sent immediately to the applicants by email. Those applicants who have been accepted will receive a Notification of Admission, a Confirmation Link (and a Confirmation Form), and an information package (including information about accommodation, student insurance programme, student union etc.) by email. These accepted applicants are required to formally accept their study place no later than 10 July 2025 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3). This is an absolute deadline and will be treated as such. Failure to accept the study placement by this time will result in the applicant losing their study right. The autumn semester courses will begin on 1 September 2025, and new students are expected to arrive on campus by this date.
According to the One study place per term provision, a student may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland during one academic term. This rule applies to all higher education. For more information please see UEF Kamu: Study regulations (new tab).
If you disagree with the decision you may apply for a rectification of the decision from the Board of Appeal of the University of Eastern Finland by 11 June 2025 at 15.00 (Helsinki time, GMT+3) at the latest. The instructions for making a request for rectification can be found on the Admissions results website (new tab).
Applications that satisfy the eligibility criteria will be put through a subsequent evaluation process to determine, which applicants are selected for admission to the programme. The following selection process is made up of two (2) phases; in phase one (1) applicants are ranked according to their GPA and in phase two (2) the best scoring applicants will be ranked according to the points received for their previous studies and their motivation video. Further information on scoring detailed below.
The top scoring applicants will be admitted, and the rest of the applications will be rejected. Applicants must receive points from both their previous studies and motivation video to be accepted. Admission points will not be calculated for applicants who do not receive points from both previous studies and motivation video. The programme may accept more applicants to fill the available study places in the programme. There will be no waiting list.
To be considered for admission, the applicant must receive a minimum of 10 selection points. The applicant may obtain a maximum of 20 selection points.
Phase 1: Eligible applicants will be ranked based on their GPA
In phase 1, eligible applicants are ranked based on the GPA they received in their bachelor’s degree.
The GPA must either be given in the degree certificate, transcript of records, or a separate, certified calculation, otherwise the application will not be considered. If the applicant’s GPA does not follow the ECTS grading system, it will be converted accordingly for the programme during the evaluation process.
Phase 2: Suitability of the earlier studies for the master's programme
In the final phase (phase 2), the top ranked applicants based on their GPA, will have their relevant studies and motivational video scored, based on the description below.
First, the motivation video can receive a maximum of 5 selection points. A 0 or 1 point is awarded for each question answered (maximum 3 points). A maximum of 2 points are awarded for communication skills. The video duration is maximum 2 minutes, only the first 2 minutes of the video will be scored.
Finally, applicants are awarded selection points based on the amount of relevant previous studies (in ECTS) in the fields of Tourism/Hospitality Management, Tourism Business, and Marketing. In addition, one appropriate research methodology course will also be calculated into this section. These studies are scored as follows: 1 ECTS = 0,5 points. (a maximum of 15 points). Internships, work experience, and final thesis/exam/project (or equivalent) are not included in the above-mentioned studies.
If an applicant has several higher education degrees or separate studies in higher education that are not part of a degree, all of these can be considered when calculating the suitable studies, provided that the attachments proving these studies meet the University’s document requirements.
The annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students is 10,000 EUR. There are no tuition fees for students who are citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. Applicants subject to tuition fees can apply for tuition waivers and scholarships during the university application process by completing the relevant section on the application form. The best ranked 50 % of study places will receive a tuition waiver covering 50 % of the tuition fee. In addition, the highest ranked applicant will be completely exempt from paying the tuition fee (UEF Scholarship).
The tuition fee will remain the same for students throughout the entire time of completing their degrees. The due date for the first instalment is 31 August 2025.
The University of Eastern Finland also grants an Early Bird tuition fee deduction (autumn 2025 fee) of 500 euros to students who accept the study place and pay the tuition fees by 11 June 2025. The Early Bird deduction can only be used in online payment made by the given deadline. The Early Bird deduction ends on 11 June 2025.
Students who are awarded a tuition fee waiver are required to sign and return a Student Agreement. The tuition fee payment for the 2025-2026 academic year needs to be paid by 31 August 2025. In addition, the Student Union membership fee and the Kela student health care fee are obligatory for degree students.
The waiver is applied for when applying for admission to the university by filling out the relevant section of the application form in the Studyinfo portal. The decision about the waiver is made in connection with student admission, and the student is notified of the matter in the letter of acceptance.
Waivers are always personal. The decisions on waivers and cannot be appealed against.
Learn more about the tuition fees here If you have any questions about tuition fees and waivers, please don't hesitate to contact: imdpbs-uef(at)
Admission Period
Our admission period is open from 8 January to 22 January 2025. The application is completed and submitted online.
Apply via Studyinfo is the official national admissions portal with all the up-to-date information about study programmes leading to a degree in Finland. The search for "UEF" gives you all the master's degree programmes taught in English at the University of Eastern Finland.
Student stories
Learn more about studying at the UEF, our university and its campuses, and life in Finland!

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions about our programme.
General information and admissions: imdpbs-uef(at)
Faculty and units
Partners and collaboration
Master's Degree Programme in Tourism Marketing and Management works closely with other universities, tourism businesses and destinations. We are a global programme that accepts and works with partners from all over the world. If you want to be our partner, please contact Juho Pesonen ( and let us know, in what kind of co-operation you would be interested in.
Advisory Board
Tourism Marketing and Management is advised by a board of senior tourism industry professionals. These professionals are ensuring that the content in our programme is relevant for the industry and that the skills and knowledge we teach to our students corresponds to the needs of tourism businesses and destinations.
- Jaakko Löppönen CEO, Kemi Tourism Ltd
- Wille Markkanen, Managing Director, Salmi Platform
- Satu Näsärö, Business Area Director - Tourism and Hospitality, Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa
- Satu Pesonen, CEO, Visit Levi
- Matti Pollari, Development Manager - Sustainable Tourism, Visit Tampere
- Nina Vesterinen Tourism Director, City of Helsinki
- Katarina Wakonen, Head of Business Intelligence, Business Finland