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Implementing community pharmacy services – what evidence do we need?

Pharmaceutical Policy Webinar
  • Webinar
  • Health and well-being
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Extended pharmacy services (e.g., new medicine service, medication review, inhalation service) are services that go beyond what is required when dispensing medicines. Looking at the situation in the Nordic countries, there is a wide variation in the implementation of such services. The willingness and evidence behind the political decisions to reimburse extended pharmacy services vary. However, evidence is needed on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these services to prioritize and to focus the services to those who need them most. Furthermore, the patient perspective needs to be taken into account. 

The aim of the webinar is to
- describe the statutory and extended pharmacy services available in the Nordic countries 
- discuss the policy measures taken to implement extended pharmacy services 
- discuss the needs for evidence and prioritization of extended pharmacy services based on examples from the Nordic countries.

Target groups: decision makers, authorities, pharmaceutical sector stakeholders, researchers, students, all interested in pharmaceutical policy issues.

Organizers: pharmaceutical policy researchers from the University of Copenhagen, University of Eastern Finland, University of Iceland, University of Oslo, Uppsala University and University of Tartu. The Webinar is organized within the NordicPharmaTrain-collaboration between 10 Nordic partner universities and 5 affiliated Baltic universities.

Chair: Anna Birna Almarsdóttir, professor, University of Copenhagen and affiliated professor, University of Iceland

Please note that the event time follows the time in Finland and Estonia. The webinar starts at 12:00 in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Welcome!

13:00 Opening remarks & welcome by the chair

13:10 Keynote speak: Pharmacies in health care: their role now and in the future?
Lars Åke Söderlund, International Pharmaceutical Federation FIP

13:30 Statutory and extended pharmacy services in the Nordic countries
Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

13:45 Questions and comment for the first speakers

Short break and stretch 

14:00 Case country reports on extended pharmacy services:
- Denmark, Susanne Kaae, professor, University of Copenhagen: Inhalation service as the first reimbursed extended pharmacy service in the Nordic countries
- Sweden, Sofia Kälvemark-Sporrong, professor, University of Uppsala: Development of extended pharmacy services before the liberalization of the pharmacy system until today
- Norway, Hilde Ariansen, senior advisor, Norwegian Pharmacy Association: Evidence behind the extended pharmacy services
- Estonia, Daisy Volmer, associated professor, University of Tartu: Lessons learned of the development of extended pharmacy services from the patient perspective

15:00 Discussion, Chaired by Professor Anna Birna Almarsdóttir:
- sharing experiences and thoughts within small groups
- general discussion with all participants

16:00 Closing remarks and end of the webinar

Please register by 31.3. A link to participation online will be sent to all registered.

For further information, please contact Professor Katri Hämeen-Anttila, email, phone +358403552425.