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Mobility, Materiality, and Trauma Webinar August 13–14

  • Webinar
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In today’s world, over 65 million people have left their homes because of various catastrophes. In addition, millions of people move continuously from one country to another because of work, leisure, or family reasons. In their mobile everyday lives, people are surrounded with materiality and objects, and their experiences of mobility are linked with material culture, sometimes in surprising ways. In addition, crossing various geographic and symbolic, or visible and invisible borders can be difficult, even traumatic to many individuals as well as groups of people.

The webinar Mobility, Materiality, and Trauma draws together three topical, multidisciplinary areas of research. It addresses the themes of mobility, materiality and trauma from individual and collective, as well as, from historical and contemporary point of view. The invited presentations explore themes from geographical, cultural, societal, and linguistic perspectives. The webinar includes plenary lectures, invited presentations, and commentary talks. The seminar languages are Finnish and English.

The event is a closing webinar for two projects implemented in the Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland: A Lost Mitten and Other Stories: Experiences of Borders, Mobilities, and New Neighborly Relations (Kone Foundation, 2018–21) and Traumatized Borders: Reviving Subversive Narratives of B/Order, and Other (Academy of Finland, 2016–20). Additional information of the webinar is available from the PI of the projects, Senior Researcher Tuulikki Kurki (tuulikki.kurki(at)


The webinar is open to all interested; however, the registration is needed for receiving the link for online participation. Please, register for the webinar no later than August 10, 2020.

The webinar is organized with Zoom.
