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XXI Annual Conference of Youth Studies

On-line and off-line: Digitalization and the ‘fresh contact’ generation.
  • Conference
  • Economy and society
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Joensuu campus, Metria building, and online
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Yliopistokatu 7
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The theme of the conference is On-line and off-line: Digitalization and the ‘fresh contact’ generation.

For some decades now, young people have been described as ‘digital natives’, born in the era of digital developments and therefore believed to benefit from them much more than older generations. Despite the numerous promises and imaginaries of digitalization (as a means of equalizing opportunities to study, participate, engage in activities, consume, etc.), it has not been able to eradicate the inequalities that characterize young people’s everyday lives and life courses. On the contrary, the trends can be quite the opposite in many ways as digitalization has added one more dimension to the complexity of social differences and inequalities. During this conference, digitalization and its implications for young people will be examined from many different angles.

The keynote presenters at the conference will be Professor Kirsten Drotner (Denmark), Research Professor Sofia Laine (the Finnish Youth Research Network), and Project Coordinator of Petlja, Katarina Andjelkovic, MA (Serbia).

The Annual Conference of Youth Studies is a joint collaboration between the Finnish Youth Research Society and the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland. 

Further information and registration:

Contact person: Päivi Armila,