The Effectiveness of Social and Health Services (EFFECTIVENESS) research community comprises top-level researchers and experts in effectiveness research, and the related methods and data, in the fields of societal, social, health, pharmaceutical, economic and legal sciences. The aim of the research community is to:
- produce effectiveness and cost-effectiveness data based on scientific research on social and health services and the promotion of health and well-being;
- organise training based on scientific research (basic, continuing and continuous learning);
- promote the interdisciplinary networking of researchers and decision-makers at national and international level;
- support effectiveness-based decision-making, management and legislation.
The House of Effectiveness
The House of Effectiveness is a multidisciplinary network of welfare and health related effectiveness research and education at the University of Eastern Finland. The network compiles the information on the effectiveness research to support the development, decision-making and integration of the social welfare and health care services.
The ultimate goal of the EFFECTIVENESS Research Community is to enable better utilisation of interdisciplinary effectiveness research, and its related methods and data, in effectiveness-based decision-making, management and legislation.
Tomi Mäki-Opas
Research Director
News and events
Upcoming events
The Effectiveness of Social and Health Services research community carries out world class research in four research areas:
1. In the area of promotion of well-being and health, we study the effectiveness of the prevention of welfare inequalities and diseases, and the promotion of welfare and health. Our research themes are related to, among other things, the promotion of the health and well-being of disadvantaged groups, the prevention of type 2 diabetes and the improvement of the effectiveness of activities aimed at the promotion of the health and well-being of older people. In research, we make use of inclusive co-development methods and digital approaches. More information on current projects:
2. In the area of effectiveness of social and health services and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of their integration, we assess the impact and effectiveness of different treatments, procedures, pharmacotherapies, social work, social welfare services and the integration of these on different customer and patient groups. Our focus is on the root causes of health and well-being, on service processes, on performance and cost-effectiveness and on patient and customer safety. More information on current projects:
3. In the area of method development for the research of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and data-driven approaches and as part of other research, we develop different methods for the assessment of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and utilise and merge different data-driven methods in the assessment of the effectiveness and availability of social and health services. This includes experimental research, surveys, registry studies and spatial data methods.
4. In the area of effectiveness-based health and social services management, decision-making and legislation, we study the management of service processes and the efficient targeting of resources as well as the structures of services. In relation to management, we study the integration of health and social services, the services provided to individuals with multiple conditions and the effectiveness of health and social services management. We also assess the impact and effectiveness of reforms. In relation to financial aspects, we study the cost-effectiveness of services provided to older people, children and families and the cost of medicines. In relation to legislation, we study the fundamental human rights related to welfare at different stages of an individual’s life, as well as the different areas of the income security and welfare services systems. More information on current projects:
Anand Janet, professor in international social work, globalization, indigenization, cultural and ethical dimensions of social care, and international models of social care, Department of Social Sciences. (secondary RC) (personalization, co-production) translation of research into evidence informed practice
Fränti Pasi, professor, clustering, location-based application, data mining, School of Computing
Hartikainen Sirpa, professor of geriatric pharmacotherapy, PI multidicplinary register based cohorts MEDALZ and FINPARK, and in clinical intervention study NutOrMed, long clinical experience in geriatrics, clinical intervention studies, pharmacoepidemiology, House of Effectiveness, School of Pharmacy
Hämeen-Anttila Katri, professor, pharmaceutical policy in research and teaching, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences
Kouvo Antti-Jussi, director, inequalities, social cohesion, wellbeing, comparative research, disadvantaged groups, welfare state, Kuopio Welfare Research Center (KWRC) and Department of Social Sciences
Kuusisto Hanna, professor, patient and customer safety, Department of Health and Social Management, House of Effectiveness, Finnish Medical Association Annual Acknowledgement of Quality 2016
Laatikainen Tiina, professor, health promotion, Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, House of Effectiveness. Consortium leader in the Strategic Research Council (Academy of Finland) funded IMRPO –consortium (2018-2023)
Lakka Timo, Professor of Medical Physiology, Specialist in Internal Medicine, health promotion, large-scale lifestyle intervention studies, prevention of chronic diseases, Institute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine (secondary RC)
Lammintakanen Johanna, professor, health and social management, Department of Health and Social Management, House of Effectiveness
Linnosmaa Ismo, professor, health and social economics, cost-effectiveness, health and social care markets, Department of Health and Social Management, House of Effectiveness, Finnish PI of the EXCELC (Exploring comparative effectiveness and efficiency of long-term care) project (, which has been analyzing quality of life of long-term care service users and their careers in Austria, England and Finland
Martikainen Janne, professor, pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research, real-world data research, House of Effectiveness, School of Pharmacy, secondary (secondary RC)
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen Anna, senior lecturer, elder law, the Institute of Law and Welfare, UEF Law School (secondary RC)
Nykänen Eeva, professor, welfare law and legislative studies, fundamental rights, legal aspects of social and health care systems, supervision of social and health care. ‘Doctoral Dissertation of the Year’, awarded by the Finnish Lawyers’ Association in 2011. The Institute of Law and Welfare, UEF Law School, House of Effectiveness
Roine Risto, professor emeritus, patient safety, effectiveness of e health care interventions, Department of Health and Social Management
Saranto Kaija, professor, health and human services informatics, Department of Health and Social Management, House of Effectiveness
Sund Reijo, first Professor of Register Studies in Finland. Expertise includes e.g. real-world data, methodology, outcomes research, health system performance, equality and quality, intervention studies. Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of medicine (secondary RC)
Toikko Timo, professor, social work, social welfare, development of social care services, Department of Social Sciences, House of Effectiveness
Tolmunen Tommi, professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine
Tolppanen Anna-Maija, associate professor (tenure track, effectiveness in health care; Academy research fellowship 2016-2021), complex data analysis, comparative effectiveness, register studies, School of Pharmacy
Tykkyläinen Markku, Professor, (healthcare) geospatial analysis and optimization, (healthcare) cost efficiency and modeling, Department of Geographical and Historical Studies
Vaarama Marja, professor, quality and effectiveness of social care, quality of life and social quality, ageing policy, Department of Social Sciences, House of Effectiveness
Vehviläinen-Julkunen Katri, professor, nursing science, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences and Kuopio University Hospital. Nursing work environment, care quality and safety, staffing, evidence based practice, registers, House of Effectiveness, the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame award
Effectiveness of Social and Health Services Research related education
Our Partners
The Research Community’s main national partners are:
- University of Helsinki
- University of Tampere
- Open University of the University of Lapland
- National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
- Kela
The Research Community’s main international partners are:
- King College, London
- London School of Economics
- Karolinska Institutet
- University of North Carolina
- Harvard Medical School
- University of Pitssburgh
Further information
- Managing, developing and coordinating the research community’s activities according to the annual schedule
- Organising the research community’s meetings and seminars
- Evaluating the activities of the research community
- Social interaction
- Holding meetings when required
Tomi Mäki-Opas, Director of the RC, Research Director
Janne Martikainen, Deputy Director of the RC, Professor, Health Economics and Pharmacotherapy
Elsa Paronen, RC Coordinator (2022-), Research Manager, Administrative Sciences and Management
Anne Surakka, RC Coordinator (2022-)
Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Professor, Nursing Science and Effectiveness
Anna-Maija Tolppanen, Professor, Effectiveness of Treatment
Ismo Linnosmaa, Professor, Social and Health Economics and Effectiveness
Olli Lehtonen, Associate Professor, Geography
Timo Toikko, Professor, Effectiveness of Social Welfare
Mikko Aaltonen, Professor, Empirical legal research and the effectiveness of crime prevention