Learning, everyday life and work in a digitalized society research community RC DIGS gathers researchers from the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. We consider digitalization as a series of events that are simultaneously cultural, social and technological.
Our research is focused on the new learning opportunities and tools offered by a digitalized society and also on the demands and expectations of digitalization in different contexts and areas of life, such as work, education and everyday life.
Research is conducted on a wide range of theoretical-methodological approaches. Due to the rapid development of technology and digitalization, the research themes are constantly current providing novel methodological possibilities. At the same time, social science perspective and analysis of the power relations and cultural assumptions intertwined with digitalization is needed.
Our interdisciplinary research community gathers together researchers who provide new perspectives on digitalization in areas such as educational sciences, sociology, psychology, social policy, computer science, social and health management, care studies, youth studies, organizational research, gender studies, science and technology studies (STS), and critical disability research.
All researchers interested in digitalization are welcome to the research community, regardless of career stage or funding source. Please contact the DIGS coordinator Teija Paavilainen via email (teija.paavilainen@uef.fi) for questions or instructions if you wish to join the research community.