RESOURCE is the strategic research network of the University of Eastern Finland, which focuses on sustainability transition in the fields of energy, minerals, and circular economy. Through its research and education, RESOURCE accelerates societal innovations for just sustainability transitions especially in the nexus of energy, critical raw materials, and the circular economy. Our scientific focus is on the societal challenges of sustainability transition – including business, law and politics of green transition, environmental justice and social resilience, local and global conflicts, and collaborative governance.
Three research centers
Our research is powered by three collaborative thematic research centers: The Research Center for Sustainable Circular Economy (CECE), the Research Center for Mining, Minerals and Society (CEMMS) and the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL). Together, they form a strong interdisciplinary thematically focused research organization and an extensive network of experts. In the centers, researchers have the benefit of simultaneous specialization and cross-disciplinary integration. The nationally unique constellation of three research centers in RESOURCE enables internationally recognized scientific impact through influential research projects, publications, and international collaboration.
Recent research center developments have focused on social and environmental justice, critical metals, sustainability, multi-level governance of the battery industry, regulation of sustainable energy sources (such as hydrogen) from a comparative perspective, business models, innovation ecosystems for circular economy, and resource-based sustainability transition. RESOURCE's research centers facilitate impactful global scientific contributions through influential projects, publications, and international partnerships.
Collaborate and join the RESOURCE, please contact Ville-Veikko Piispanen,
To achieve the goals for a sustainable future and carbon neutrality, we need improved societal understanding of sustainability transition processes from the fields of energy, resources and circular economy.
Rauno Sairinen
News and events
Upcoming events
The sustainable use of natural resources creates opportunities for innovation and change in society, business and individual behavior.
Hanna Lehtimäki
RESOURCE Researchers
Research groups and projects
RESOURCE Research Centers
RESOURCE research related education
National and International Partners
UEF RESOURCE maintains a register of its partners to support the communications and development of activities of the Research Community. You can read the privacy notice of the register here.