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Hand holding a vitamin D pill.

Are large doses of vitamin D any good?

Can vitamin D supplementation prevent cancer, diabetes or COVID-19? Recent research has yielded both hope, disappointments and new questions.

  • Text Ulla Kaltiala | Photos and graphics Raija Törrönen

The impacts on cancer mortality and diabetes progression have been observed with a daily dose of 50 to 100 micrograms of vitamin D3 supplement, which is five to ten times more than the current recommendations.

Jyrki Virtanen

Docent, Associate Professor

Jyrki Virtanen.
Woman standing in snowy reeds.
Outbreaks of upper respiratory tract infections are more common in winter when vitamin D levels get lower.

One microgram of vitamin D per kilogram of body weight all year round is safe for all adults and ensures sufficient intake even for those with a low vitamin D response.

Carsten Carlberg


Carsten Carlberg.
Different foods containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D.
Table showing recommended intake of vitamin D in different population groups.