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International researchers inspire children to explore brain health at a science camp

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland’s Neuro-Innovation PhD programme are organising, for the first time, an English-language science camp as part of SnellmanEDU’s Children’s University. The two-day Brain Health: Exploring the Human Mind science camp will be held in Kuopio on 17–18 June 2024.

The science camp dives into the secrets of the human brain

Brain Health: Exploring the Human Mind is the first English-language science camp for the Children’s University in Kuopio.

“The English-language camp offers children an inspiring opportunity to explore the world of international science and research,” describes Reetta-Mari Kellokoski, Education Planner for the Children’s University. 

At the camp, children will learn about brain health and neuroscience through engaging, fun and practical exercises that support creativity. They will learn for example how the brain works and what the symptoms of memory disorders are.

“Children get to explore the fascinating human mind. Every journey begins with a single step – perhaps the camp will even inspire some children to pursue neuroscience when they grow up!” says Catherine Kayonga, a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Eastern Finland and one of the camp teachers. 

The camp is intended for children aged 10–12. The science teaching at the camp will be in English, but the camp instructors also speak Finnish. The camp will be held at the University of Eastern Finland’s facilities.

A new type of doctoral programme collaborates with various stakeholders

The course teachers are international researchers from the Neuro-Innovation PhD programme at the University of Eastern Finland. Neuro-Innovation is a new type of doctoral programme that trains innovative leaders who can create sustainable solutions to brain health throughout life. Collaboration with various stakeholders is a key part of the programme.

“This camp is an excellent way to utilise the extensive expertise of the researchers in our multidisciplinary programme. Planning and teaching the science camp also develop our researchers’ skills,” says Piritta Parkkari, Impact Manager of the doctoral programme. 

The doctoral programme is conducted in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, and the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology at the University of Eastern Finland. In 2021, the programme was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant of 1.5 million euros from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

For further information, please contact:

Piritta Parkkari, Impact Manager of the Neuro-Innovation PhD programme, University of Eastern Finland,, 0503058346

Reetta-Mari Kellokoski, Education Planner at SnellmanEDU Children's University,, 044746284

Neuro-Innovation doctoral programme