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New textbook on the management and ecology of boreal forests

Professor Emeritus Seppo Kellomäki from the University of Eastern Finland School of Forest Sciences has published a new, comprehensive textbook, Management of Boreal Forests, in association with Springer Nature.

This comprehensive textbook explores the boreal forests of Northern Europe, Finland, Sweden, and Norway. These countries have a history of intensive research into forest ecology and sustainable management of forests, covering multiple perspectives.

The book provides an overview of the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems, and the services they provide for modern society, from the timber production to the supply of food products or the use of forest in a recreational space for human wellbeing. The book further addresses the role of boreal forests in mitigating climate change. Accordingly, the book covers various types of ecosystem services, e.g., supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural services.

The focus of the book is on the management of boreal forests to produce various ecosystem services. Addressing modern challenges, e.g., managing vulnerable boreal forests for adaptation to climate change, is an important aspect throughout the book. Traditional forest management must be adapted and evolved to meet the increasing risks of abiotic and biotic damages to our forests, which is also discussed in the book. In addition, forests affect the carbon cycling between the biosphere and the atmosphere, which is also discussed in the book from the viewpoint of forest management.

Future forestry experts will have to face more and more of these challenges. Consequently, the book provides them excellent and comprehensive scientific knowhow on the structure and functioning of boreal forest ecosystems, and sustainable provisioning of ecosystem services and adaptation of forests and forestry to changing climate.

For further information, please contact:

Seppo Kellomäki, Professor Emeritus, University of Eastern Finland, Tel. +358 452674404, Email.

Management of Boreal Forests, eBook ISBN978-3-030-88024-8, Print ISBN978-3-030-88023-1.