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Aurora-rakennus Joensuun kampuksella.

Gender Studies Afternoon

Utopias across Disciplines
  • Discussion event
  • Languages and cultures
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Event location:
Joensuu campus, Aurora building, room AU206, and online
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Yliopistokatu 2, entrance B
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Issues related to gender, sexuality, and equality are widely discussed in contemporary societies. Now in the rise of neoconservatist values and populist nationalism the need for research-based knowledge and understanding of these issues is ever more needed. Welcome to the Gender Studies Afternoon to discuss the significance and the future of the discipline in the world in flux!

Gender Studies Afternoon on Wednesday 20 November from 13:00 to 16:00 brings together researchers and students from different disciplines, departments and faculties who are either engaged with or interested in gender and feminist perspectives and issues. The event is part of the 20th anniversary celebration of the Hilma Network for Gender Studies. Gender Studies Afternoon takes place in room AU206 at the Joensuu Campus and can also be followed online.

In the afternoon we approach Gender Studies from the perspectives of utopias and interdisciplinarity. Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary field that is guided by the aspiration towards an equal world. Utopias of equality are pursued in Gender Studies, but at the same time the discipline itself can be perceived as an utopia come true: an established space for influential research and teaching and a lively meeting point across disciplines.

Gender Studies Afternoon will start with the speech by Aino-Maija Elonheimo, the coordinator of the Hilma Network for Gender Studies. In the first panel discussion "Sukupuolentutkimuksen utopioita" (Gender Studies Utopias, in Finnish) professor emerita Eeva Jokinen, professor Tuija Saresma, university lecturer, docent Tuija Koivunen and master's student Frans Silvennoinen discuss about Gender Studies as a utopia and a tool for making utopias come true. 

The second panel discussion in the afternoon titled Feminist and Gender Studies across Disciplines examines the interdisciplinarity of gender studies – both its possibilities and challenges. In the panel academy research fellow, docent Anna-Leena Toivanen from Literary Studies, senior researcher, docent Marta Choroszewicz from Sociology, university lecturer Anna Salonen from Practical Theology and postdoctoral researcher, Men’s Studies scholar Henri Hyvönen tell how their research connects with Gender Studies and discuss the practices of feminist research across disciplines as well at the meaning of Gender Studies as an interdisciplinary field. 

Gender Studies Afternoon is an open space for encounters, networking and interaction. Welcome!

Registrations by 18.11. Online participation link will be shared with those registered. 


13:15–13:40 Opening remarks: Pieta Savinotko and Tuija Saresma (in Finnish)

13:40–14:00 Aino-Maija Elonheimo: “Hilma-verkosto – 20 vuotta tasa-arvoa, yhdenvertaisuutta, pedagogiikkaa, akateemista arkea ja kohtaamisia” (Hilma network – 20 years of equality, anti-discrimination, pedagogy, academic everyday life, and encounters; in Finnish)

14:00–14:15 Discussion 

14:15–15:00 Panel discussion (in Finnish) “Sukupuolentutkimuksen utopioita” (Gender Studies Utopias)
Eeva Jokinen, Tuija Saresma, Tuija Koivunen and Frans Silvennoinen 

15:00–15:15 Break with refreshments 

15.15–16.00 Panel discussion “Feminist and Gender Studies across Disciplines”
Anna-Leena Toivanen, Marta Choroszewicz, Anna Salonen and Henri Hyvönen

Before the start of the afternoon program, there is an opportunity to participate in a joint, self-paid lunch at restaurant Aura starting at 12:00 (entrance A). 

After the official program you are welcome to continue the discussions at Sointula pub & bar, address Kirkkokatu 22.

For further information, please contact Pieta Savinotko, email

Hilma is a network for ten gender studies units in Finland, their undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers, as well as administrators. Hilma is a window into gender and women’s studies also for those outside the academia. Read more about Hilma here.