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How to match skills with various career paths in brain health and neurosciences

  • Discussion event
  • Collaboration
  • Health and well-being
Event date:
Event location:
Kuopio campus, Snellmania building, auditorium SN100
Additional information:
Yliopistonranta 8
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As students, researchers, and work-based immigrants are the future assets of the workforce and the fields of Research, Development, and Innovation, it is crucial to develop various skills and build professional and social networks as early as possible. This approach helps in exploring different career options in brain health and neurosciences.​

This event brings together a diverse group of participants involved in research and innovation, including academic scientists, students, and company experts from fields such as data sciences, clinical studies, physics, innovation management, social sciences and law, biology, drug discovery and development, pharmacy, and health economy. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear career stories, company presentations, and HR insights, and to share experiences that will help them develop future skills.​

Attendees will have the opportunity for networking and to hear career stories, company presentations, and HR insights, and to share experiences that will help them develop future skills. 

See programme and more information here.

Please register by 30 October. Welcome!

For further information, please contact Kaisa Unkila, email